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What are verified TrustedHouseSitters coupon codes?

If you see a Verified Code label at the top of a TrustedHouseSitters coupon code it means you can be sure it's a valid, quality discount accepted at the TrustedHouseSitters website when you check out.

In order for a TrustedHouseSitters coupon code to display a Verified Code label, a code must be manually tested by a Couponkind staff member. That means we visit the TrustedHouseSitters website, add products to our shopping cart, and then apply the coupon code at checkout ourselves.

We test every coupon code from TrustedHouseSitters multiple times a week and in many cases, every single day to make sure the code is valid and providing the discount amount advertised. If a TrustedHouseSitters coupon code no longer works, we remove it from Couponkind immediately and seek out new comparable discounts for our shoppers.

We make it our mission to cut out the noise of weak offers, false discounts, and expired codes other websites advertise to trick you into clicking. We search for the biggest, best, and easiest to use sitewide TrustedHouseSitters coupon codes and then constantly make sure they're valid. Look for the Verified Code label on TrustedHouseSitters coupon codes at Couponkind to save yourself both time and money.

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Ways to Save with TrustedHouseSitters

Current TrustedHouseSitters Offers

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Amount Off3
Best Coupon Offer$20 Off
Does TrustedHouseSitters have a discount code for November 2024?

Right now TrustedHouseSitters offers a $20 off discount code for your annual membership sign up. Create an account and apply code at checkout.

What is the best subscription plan for TrustedHouseSitters?

The Standard Combined subscription is the most popular TrustedHouseSitters subscription, giving you the best balance of price and features for pet care.

How are pet sitters selected for my pet?

You get to choose! You will receive applications from pet sitters who have been reviewed, verified, and vetted by our team and other pet owners. You'll then select only the applicants you trust and whom your pets will love.

TrustedHouseSitters Coupon Codes

DiscountCoupon CodeDescriptionMin AmountLast Verified
$20 OffTHS20Use coupon code to take $20 off your Trusted House Sitters subscription90+ days ago
$15 OffMILES15Get $15 off with code after you select subscription
$10 OffTHS10Get $10 off your subscription after coupon is applied
25% OffSAYYESMORESave 25% sitewide with coupon code at checkout